Our curriculum

Years 7-9

Throughout Years 7-9, the curriculum is broad, stimulating and exciting, and aims to expose pupils to a broad range of subjects in order to let them find their passions. In addition to mainstream academic subjects, all pupils have one lesson per week of Current Affairs, for which there is no homework, little to no writing and where the emphasis is on discussion, debate, synthesis and evaluation of information and presentation skills.

It’s like a light’s been turned on in my child.

Current Year 7 parent

Supplementary subjects are offered on a rotation basis allowing pupils to study subjects such Philosophy, Psychology, Oracy, Critical Thinking and Computing. The importance of creativity is reflected in the place of Art, Drama and Music in the curriculum in all three years. All pupils have four lessons a week of PE. Throughout this time, the homework burden is light, with no homework set in any holidays, and lessons are fun and engaging.

Our teachers are inspiring, fun and understanding. They encourage curiosity, they encourage questions and they like to laugh.

year 7 pupil

GCSE Studies

For Years 10 and 11, pupils study either nine or ten GCSEs, depending on preferences. All pupils take Maths, English Language and Literature and either three separate Sciences or Double Award Science GCSEs. All pupils must take at least one modern or classical language and at least one humanity (History, Geography or Religious Education). Beyond these stipulations, any combination of subjects is possible. Pupils are strongly encouraged to continue to pursue a wide range of extracurricular activities, in order to maintain breadth and balance in their lives.

Subjects available at GCSE in Years 10 and 11:
Ancient GreekDesign & Technology: Product Design GeographyMusic
ArtDesign & Technology: Fashion & TextilesGermanPhysical Education
BiologyDrama HistoryPhysics
ChemistryEnglish LiteratureLatinReligious Education
Computer ScienceFrenchMathematicsSpanish

For more information on specific subjects, click on the link below to view our GCSE Options Booklet.


Sixth Form

Almost all of our pupils choose to stay with us to study for their A Levels. All pupils meet with a senior member of staff during Year 11 to help them make their option choices. Further information about the Sixth Form curriculum can be found here.